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Amddiffyn a Diogelu Disgyblion/ Safeguarding Pupils


Y Pennaeth Mrs Sara David yw'r swyddog dynodedig am amddiffyn a diogelu disgyblion. Yn absenoldeb y Pennaeth y Dirprwy Bennaeth, Mrs Catrin Pryce sydd a'r cyfrifoldeb. Gall y swyddog amddiffyn a diogelu plant gysylltu'n uniongyrchol ag asiantaethau allanol os oes pryder ynglyn a diogelwch disgybl. Gallwch gysylltu gyda Chadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr, Mrs Jaci Gruffudd, neu ein llywodraethwr cyswllt a chyfrifoldeb dros amddiffyn plant, Mrs Ruth James. 

The Headteacher Mrs Sara David is the designated person with responsibility for safeguarding pupils. In her absence it is the responsibility of the Deputy Headteacher Mrs Catrin Pryce. The designated person is able to contact outside agencies directly if there are safeguarding concerns relating to a pupil. You may also contact Mrs Jaci Gruffudd, our Chair of Governors or Mrs Ruth James, Governor with responsibility for safeguarding and child protection.
