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Cylch Meithrin Meini Bach (Pre-school provision)



Cymraeg yw iaith y Cylch Meithrin ond mae croeso i bob plentyn yn y cylch dim ots beth yw’r iaith sy’n cael ei siarad yn y cartref.

Rydym hefyd yma i gynnig cefnogaeth i chi fel rhieni ar eich camau cyntaf mewn i addysg Gymraeg gyda’ch plentyn. 

Nod ein cylch yw hyrwyddo addysg a datblygiad plant o ddwy flwydd oed hyd at 5 mlwydd oed. Mae cyfle i blant gymdeithasu a dysgu trwy chwarae dan arweiniad ein staff proffesiynol, cyfeillgar a brwdfrydig.

Nawr yn cynnig sesiynau bore, gofal dydd a gofal Cofleisiol i Ysgol y Cwm.


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Welsh is the language of the cylch but every child in the cylch is welcome no matter what language is spoken at home.

We are also here to offer support to you as parents on your first steps into welsh education with your child.

Our group aims to promote the education and development of children from the age of 2 to 5 years old. Children have the opportunity to socialise and learn through play and focus activities  under the guidance of our professional, friendly and enthusiastic staff.

Now offering morning sessions, day care and wrap around to Ysgol y Cwm.



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