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Clwb brecwast/ Breakfast club


Clwb Brecwast/Breakfast Club


Mae’r ysgol yn cynnig brecwast yn rhad ac am ddim i holl ddisgyblion yr ysgol gan gynnwys y Dosbarth Meithrin bore. Ariannir y Clwb brecwast gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae'r Clwb Brecwast yn agor am 8.20y.b. ac yn derbyn plant hyd nes 8.30y.b. Mae disgyblion yn cael eu goruchwylio hyd nes bod yr ysgol yn dechrau am 8.50 y.b. Ar ôl cael eu brecwast bydd cyfle iddynt chwarae gemau/gemau bwrdd ac i arlunio.


The school operates a breakfast club for all pupils including Nursery (morning session only). Breakfast is completely free of charge and is funded by the Welsh Government. The Breakfast Club opens at 8.20a.m and accept children up until 8.30a.m.  The children are supervised by trained staff during and after breakfast up until the time they start school. When they have finished breakfast they will have an opportunity to play games, play and draw.
