Cymdeithas Rieni, Athrawon a Chyfeillion
Mae'n dda gennym gyhoeddi bod gan yr ysgol gymdeithas rhieni, athrawon a chyfeillion o dan yr enw Cyfeillion y Cwm. Mae'r gymdeithas yn awyddus i gefnogi plant yr ysgol drwy gynnal gweithgareddau i godi arian yn ogystal a gweithgareddau cymdeithasol. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd yn ystod y flwyddyn ac mae croeso cynnes i rieni a chyfeillion yr ysgol.
Parent, Teacher and Friends Association
We are pleased to announce that the school has a parent, teacher and friends association under the name 'Cyfeillion y Cwm'. The association is eager to support the children of the school by arranging fundraising and social events. The association organise regular meetings during the year. All parents and friends of the school are welcome to attend.
Personau a chyfrifoldebau allweddol/Key Positions:
Cadeirydd/Chairperson - Samantha Evans
Trysorydd/Treasurer -
Os hoffech helpu neu gefnogi ond dydych chi ddim yn gallu mynychu cyfarfodydd cysylltwch a'r Pennaeth.
If you would like to support or volunteer in any way contact the Head teacher.