Gyda hyder, mae popeth yn bosib / With confidence, everything is possible
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Ti a Fi


Ti a Fi

Rydym yn croesawu pob unigolyn gyda breichiau agored i’n Ti a Fi gan ein bod yn credu fod gan bob plentyn yr hawl i ddysgu Cymraeg a dylid rhoi cyfle cyfartal i bob plentyn wneud hynny.


Mae Ti a Fi yn rhoi cyfle ichi a’ch plentyn gwrdd yn rheolaidd gyda rhieni/gwarchodwyr a phlant eraill er mwyn i’r plant gael cyfle i fwynhau chwarae gyda’i gilydd gan roi cyfle ichi gymdeithasu dros baned neu ddisgled o de! Mae’n gyfle gwych i rieni/gwarchodwyr gwrdd i rannu profiadau a chymdeithasu mewn awyrgylch Gymreig. Rydym fel un teulu mawr!


Wrth fynd i Ti a Fi bydd eich plentyn yn cael cyfle i:

  • fwynhau chwarae a gwneud ffrindiau bach newydd
  • chwarae gyda phob math o deganau
  • dysgu caneuon bach syml y gallwch eu canu gyda’ch gilydd gartref
  • gwrando ar storiau
  • chwarae gyda thywod a chlai

… a joio!


Trwy roi’r Gymraeg i blant ifanc Cymru, rydym yn gobeithio uno cenedl a datblygu cymuned Gymraeg amlddwylliannol agored a llawn bywyd.



£3.50 fesul un oedolyn a phlentyn/babi.

£1.00 ychwanegol fesul pob plentyn ychwanegol 1-3oed.

Am ddim fesul pob plentyn ychwanegol dan 1oed.


Bwciwch tocyn yma!


Ti a Fi (Baby and Toddler group)


We welcome each and every one with open arms to our Ti a Fi as we believe that every child has the right to learn Welsh and that every child should be given an equal opportunity to do so.


Ti a Fi gives you and your child the opportunity to meet regularly with parents / guardians and other children so that the children can enjoy playing together giving you the chance to socialize over a cuppa! It is a great opportunity for parents / guardians to meet to share experiences and socialize in an informal Welsh atmosphere. We’re one big family!


By attending Ti a Fi your child will have the opportunity to:

  • enjoy playing and making new friends
  • enjoy playing with toys
  • learn to sing simple Welsh songs that you can sing together at home
  • listen to Welsh stories and look through books
  • play with water and clay

You will also have the opportunity to enjoy yourself.


Attending Ti a Fi is a great opportunity to use the Welsh language if you are a Welsh learner. Ti a Fi fun play activities will reinforce the use of Welsh language at home and gives non-Welsh speaking families the opportunity to use Welsh for the first time with their children. We nurture the landscape in which new Welsh speakers can grow.


By giving the Welsh language to the children of Wales, we hope to unify a nation and build a vibrant, open and multi-cultural Welsh community.



£3.50 per one adult and child/baby.

£1.00 extra per additional child 1-3years.

Free per additional child under 1years.


Click here to book
