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Gwybodaeth Fluenz Information

Sefydlu dull ysgol-gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd a lles meddyliol

Gallwch gyfeirio pobl ifanc at ein pecyn cymorth iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc os oes angen cymorth arnynt yn awr ac yn y dyfodol. Cael gafael ar wasanaethau cwnsela yn yr ysgol a'r gymuned: coronafeirws Childline: Gallwch chi gysylltu a Childline ynglŷn ag unrhyw beth.

Embedding a Whole-school Approach to mental health and emotional well-being

Further help and support You can signpost young people to our Young Person's Mental Health Toolkit should they need support now and in the future Accessing school and community-based counselling: coronavirus Childline: You can contact Childline about anything.

2022 - Mae cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru wedi cyrraedd

O fis Medi 2022, bydd y ffordd y mae plant a phobl ifanc yn dysgu mewn ysgolion yn newid, i'w paratoi'n well ar gyfer byd sy'n newid. Bydd ysgolion yn creu eu cwricwla eu hunain o fewn fframwaith cenedlaethol, gan addasu'r cynnwys i'w wneud yn fwy perthnasol ac ystyrlon i'w dysgwyr.

2022 - A new curriculum for Wales has arrived

From September 2022, the way children and young people learn in schools will change, to prepare them better for a changing world. Schools will create their own curricula within a national framework, adapting the content to make it more relevant and meaningful to their learners.

Ein Cwricwlwm NI / Our Curriculum
