Welsh government launches 'Parenting. Give it time' campaign
The Welsh Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Julie Morgan has launched a new campaign to give information, support and advice to parents. “Parenting. Give It Time” recognises that the pandemic has had an impact on families, including through increased isolation, supporting children who are self-isolating, or dealing with children’s anxiety. The new campaign provides information to parents on how to understand and respond to their children’s behaviour. It offers practical tips and advice on a range of issues. The core three themes are: your child’s behaviour, giving your child time, and supporting parents through the challenges they face.
Full details available here: https://gov.wales/parenting-give-it-time.
Llywodraeth Cymru yn lansio ymgyrch ‘Magu Plant. Rhowch amser iddo'
Mae Julie Morgan, Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru, wedi lansio ymgyrch newydd i roi gwybodaeth, cymorth a chyngor i rieni. Mae "Magu plant. Rhowch amser iddo" yn cydnabod bod y pandemig wedi cael effaith ar deuluoedd, gan gynnwys drwy fwy o unigedd, cefnogi plant sy'n hunan-ynysu, neu'n delio â phryder plant. Mae'r ymgyrch newydd yn rhoi gwybodaeth i rieni am sut i ddeall ac ymateb i ymddygiad eu plant. Mae'n cynnig cyngor a chyngor ymarferol ar amrywiaeth o faterion. Y tair thema graidd yw: ymddygiad eich plentyn, rhoi amser i'ch plentyn, a chefnogi rhieni drwy'r heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu.
Manylion llawn ar gael yma: https://gov.wales/parenting-give-it-time.